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Recovery Process Transcription

Welcome to our disaster recovery process module. In the event of a disaster the first step is to protect your employees and make sure that they get to safety. This is more important than any other process including protecting your building or your critical information. For the CISSP examination you should remember that protecting life Is your primary responsibility and this must be accomplished first before attempting to do anything else.

Once your employees are safe, you can begin the information technology disaster recovery process. It is important that you restore your information systems as soon as possible. First you'll need to assess the situation to determine an appropriate plan that you'll need to implement. You wanna minimize the down time and the costs of the disaster as much as possible.

Based on the facts that you determine and a recovery time objective. You may need to declare a disaster. You should follow your established processes and procedures when restoring your data, in order to get your IT operations back up and running as soon as possible after a disaster occurs.

You should focus on restoring your computing and technology resources. And you should always make sure to have an up to date checklist with a plan that you can follow in case a disaster occurs. Your disaster recovery procedures include planning, performing disaster exercises to practice the plan to make sure your employees can accomplish their goals.

And making sure that you're able to back up your data as well as restore it successfully in case of an emergency. It is important that you're able to communicate with important personnel during a disaster. You may also need to contact other outside individuals. So you should maintain a confidential list of your internal employees and any external points of contact, or POCs, along with backups for each of these individuals.

You should make sure that you have a variety of contact information. Such as a landline number, a cell phone number, as well as multiple email addresses, personal and business. The roster should include information about who is part of your incident response teams, the managers that need to be notified, as well as law enforcement contacts, media and vendor contacts, and your insurance company.

You can use conference calls, or webcam meetings, to get information our quickly. Because communications will need to occur rapidly if a disaster occurs, you should predetermine all of your communications guidelines so that the correct information is shared with the right personnel, and sensitive information is not leaked outside of the company.

You will need to manage the media in order to protect your company's image so it is important that everyone is on the same page and you know what is appropriate to tell the news media. If there is an inappropriate release of sensitive information, you could have to deal with significant financial loss, and a greater disruption than the actual incident itself.

It is important that everyone tells the same story. In order to protect your company's reputation, it is important that you maintain good public relations, even during a crisis. Once an incidence occurs and the decision has been made to declare a disaster, you'll need to notify your appropriate personnel such as those individuals on the CERT or computer emergency response team.

SIRT or Security Incident Response Team, or the RCERT, Regional Computer Emergency and Response Team. These individuals will be responsible for performing a damage assessment and minimizing the damage to your network and systems as much as possible. During the recovery phase you will fail over to an alternate site, if necessary, Implementing your continuity of operations or COO plan.

During this step, you will need to re-establish your operations at an alternate facility or using your contingency plan. During the reconstitution state, you will move back to your original facility once everything has been placed under control. And the facility is ready to be occupied again. When you're moving back to the original facility, it is important that you restore the least critical system first, because if there is a problem with the new facility, you only have restored your least critical system, and you are not effecting your most critical systems.

For the CISSP examination you should remember that you are the least critical system, is the one the gets restored first in your original site. When a disaster occurs, you should follow your previously established recovery procedures Which included advanced planning, disaster drills and exercises, and the continuous back up of your data.

Your computer emergency response to is the rescue team who will make an expert assessment to determine how severe the The instant is and they will attempt to limit the damage and restore your services as quickly as possible. Based on their assessment, they will prioritize the handling of your incident and they'll follow your procedures to declare disaster if necessary.

Your disaster recovery plan will make sure that there are resources in place to rapidly recover your information technology resources if an outage occurs. And this will help to maintain your businesses' continuity, and make sure that it continues to function even as a disaster occurs. Your continuity of operations plan, or a coup plan, will be implemented by the recovery team who can move your business' essential functions to an alternate site if your primary site is damaged, or is no longer able to be occupied You will also need to determine whether it is appropriate to activate your business unit level business continuity plans or disaster recovery plans, depending on how bad the disaster is.

Your occupant emergency plan is a life safety or crisis response plan. Which is designed to protect your personnel in the event of a disaster. Your staff should be well trained and prepared for any type of emergency. You should make sure they know what to do if an incident occurs, and they should be prepared for disasters, incidents, and other emergencies. They need to have multiple plans in place, such as a plan to lock down the facility, take shelter in the event of a weather emergency, or evacuate if a fire occurs, for example. You should have emergency procedures in place for all of the occupants of your facilities. And you should also have procedures in place for your first responders.

You'll need to have emergency communications plans, so that you'll be able to speak with all of your employees even if your phone system or your email system goes down. Restoring your environment after a disaster can be quite overwhelming. You need to make sure that you have responsible individuals that are properly trained.

Have written documentation on how to restore the system. And who have tested and made sure they've practiced the restore process. Need to have teams with defined responsibilities. The rescue team is responsible for getting all of your employees to safety. The recovery team will prepare your off-site facility and move your operations to that facility.

Your salvage team will return back to the primary sites once it is safe to do so and maintain your normal operations. When you decide to return to your primary site from the alternate site you have to realize this is also a risk. In moving back to the original facility you will have to move your least critical department First in case there are any problems.

For the CISSP examination, you should be familiar with the rescue team, who gets your employees to safety, the recovery team, who will help to move to your off-site facility. And your salvage team which will help to restore your original operations at your primary site. There are several different types of sites that you can use depending on your maximum tolerable downtime, or MTD.

Or the amount of time that you're able to be without your services and systems. A hot site or mirror sight is the most expensive type of site and this site can be up and running in just a few minutes. The computers are always running at this location waiting for a disaster to occur.

The transfer of service from your primary site to the alternate site Could be transparent to the users and they may not have any idea that you're experiencing a disaster. You can use a commercial disaster recovery service to accomplish this goal and this will make sure that your business will continue even if there is a disaster and often times, the data will be mirrored so as transactions are performed at the primary site, They're automatically performed at the secondary site as well so that way all of the data is synchronized.

A warm site will be up and running within a few hours to a few days, the computers are all ready in place but they're not running. You could have leased office space with some equipment installed But it may not be the current configuration and you may not have a full copy of your data there.

And you also may not have internet or telecommunications facilities. You may need to get all of these established when a disaster occurs. A cold site is the least expensive type of fall back sites, but it could take you days or weeks before your operation is able to continue at the site. Often at times with a cold site, you don't even have computers present and you have to purchase computers or order them. Here you'll have office space already established but your IT staff will need to install computers, configure all of the systems, and then restore your data from the back-up in order to get your business up and running again.

You can also have a mobile Double sight which is affordable sight that can be driven in used anywhere when the disaster occurs. If you are not able to afford a secondary sight, you can consider a mutual aid agreement or reciprocal agreement With a sister company in the area who agrees to share their data center with you in case there is an emergency, and perhaps you agree to share your data resources with them, in case they have a disaster.

You would establish a memorandum of agreement, or MOA Which is just a contract that details your relationship with this alternate company. For the CISSP, examination, you should remember the difference between a hot site, warm site and a cold site. You should remember that the hot site is the most expensive but provides the quickest turn around.

And the cold site costs the least amount of money but would take a significant amount of time to get your business up and running again. This concludes our disaster recovery process module. Thank you for watching.

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